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The Wise Old Owl

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

March 26, 2024

Beautiful, Bouncing Bunnies

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

March 26, 2024

The Magic of Tumbles

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

March 26, 2024

Power of the Tower

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

March 26, 2024

Magic Mushrooms

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

March 26, 2024

The way of the Dragon

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

March 19, 2024

Autumn Magic

Now I don't know about anyone else, but personally Autumn is my favourite season of the year. The changing colours of the leaves, the slow transition of the warmth of summer to the coolness of winter, enjoying warm drinks while wearing cozy sweaters, gatherings with loved ones in your woodfire-warmed home. This season brings a sense of coziness & comfort that I just adore!With all this comes the unique energy that Autumn brings, which is one of change, transformation, and reflection. Ju...

February 27, 2024

Away with the Fairies

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

February 21, 2024

A Journey through the Crystal Forest

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

February 21, 2024

Herkimer Diamond

These unique quartz crystals are as old as time, dating back millions of years, and are only found in Herkimer County, New York. Early settlers discovered these naturally occurring double-terminated treasures in the 18th century, and were astounded by their beauty and clarity.  Herkimer Diamonds were added to jewelry pieces throughout the 1920s & 1930s because of their likeness to diamonds and are still highly sought after by crystal lovers and collectors. Their unique beauty, metaphysi...

February 21, 2024

The Wisdom of the Skull

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians.Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways. ...

February 14, 2024

It's all about the Heart

Just like ourselves, crystals naturally come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, but can also be carved into different symbolic forms. The art of crystal carving is an ancient one that dates back to civilisations like the Mayans, Romans, Chinese and the Egyptians. Just as each crystal has it's own unique properties, the shape or form of the crystal can also enhance it's inherent properties or even add new ones to the stone, which can enable us to utilise it in more or different ways.&nbs...

February 7, 2024

All you need to know about Incense, Smudging and Copal & Palo

History of IncenseIncense has been used for thousands of years across many different cultures and religions. The word "incense" comes from the Latin word "incendere," which means "to burn." It was first used in ancient Egypt for religious ceremonies and rituals, and it quickly spread to other parts of the world, including India, China, and Greece. Incense was often used in religious ceremonies to create a connection between the earthly realm and the divine.  Spiritual Benefits of Incen...

January 31, 2024

Summer Season Yoga & Meditation Bliss

With how quickly Summer has come upon us, we thought that an energy balancing post for this fire season was well needed before our close-down period!Taking care of our energy and ensuring we're not overdoing it should be at the top of our priority lists, now and always, so this post is for anyone that wants to stay balanced and level-headed, or for those that just want a moment of peaceful bliss!So beautiful friend, below is some magic we have curated for a Summer of Bliss just for you....

December 19, 2023


23rd November - 21st DecemberSagittarius individuals are known for their adventurous spirit, optimism, and love for freedom. They are the true definition of a free spirit, a freedom seeker, an explorer. With wanderlust in their eyes, their hearts belong to the world, and they are forever living and loving without borders. Sagittarians are enthusiastic, open-minded, honest and generous, with a philosophical nature and a strong desire to explore new horizons. They inspire with their endless optimi...

November 13, 2023


23 September - 22 OctoberLibras are known for their diplomacy, charm, and desire for balance and harmony. They have a natural ability to see different perspectives and seek fairness in all aspects of life. Libras are social beings who enjoy building and maintaining relationships. They have a strong sense of justice and often act as mediators in conflicts. Libras are also known for their artistic and creative nature. They have a refined taste and appreciate beauty in all forms.~ Modality ~Libra i...

November 13, 2023


23rd October - 22nd NovemberScorpios are known for their intensity, passion, and determination. They possess a deep and mysterious nature that often intrigues others. Scorpios are highly intuitive and have a keen understanding of human emotions. They are fiercely loyal and protective of their loved ones. Scorpios are also known for their resourcefulness and ability to navigate through challenges. They have a strong sense of purpose and are not afraid to explore the depths of life. However, Scorp...

November 13, 2023


23rd August - 22nd SeptemberVirgos are known for their practicality, attention to detail, and analytical nature. They have a strong sense of responsibility and strive for perfection in everything they do. Virgos are highly organized and methodical, often excelling in tasks that require precision. They have a keen eye for spotting flaws and enjoy problem-solving. Virgos are also known for their loyalty, reliability, and willingness to help others. They can be reserved and sometimes have the tende...

October 31, 2023


23 July - 22 AugustLeos are known for their confidence, leadership qualities, and charisma. They have a strong presence and love being in the spotlight. Leos are generous, warm-hearted, and have a natural ability to inspire others. They are passionate individuals who pursue their goals with determination. Leos are also known for their loyalty and protectiveness towards their loved ones. They have a creative flair and enjoy expressing themselves through various forms of art.~ Modality ~Leo is a f...

October 17, 2023


21 June - 22 JulyCancers are known for being nurturing, intuitive, empathetic, and protective. They are deeply connected to their emotions and have a strong sense of loyalty. Cancers are often seen as homebodies who value family and close relationships. They can be sensitive and may have a tendency to retreat into their shell when feeling overwhelmed. Cancers are also known for their creativity and imagination....

October 17, 2023

Pink Agate

Pink Agate is a captivating gemstone renowned for its rich history and an array of spiritual and physical healing attributes. With centuries of use, this form of agate, displaying a spectrum of charming pink shades from subtle pastels to deeper hues, has been treasured for both its beauty and its healing properties. Its global presence in regions like Brazil, India, and the United States underscores its enduring significance. Incorporating Pink Agate into your life offers an opportunity to benef...

October 15, 2023

Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone, a striking gem with a rich history and an array of spiritual and physical healing attributes, is a distinctive variety of Moonstone, a feldspar mineral. Its dark hue and iridescent shimmer set it apart. Moonstone, celebrated for centuries, is linked to lunar energy and feminine strength. Black Moonstone is relatively rare and predominantly originates from regions such as Madagascar and other parts of Africa, where it is treasured for its unique qualities, making it a captivating...

October 15, 2023

Yellow Jade

Yellow Jade is a captivating gemstone renowned for its deep-rooted historical significance and a diverse array of both spiritual and physical healing attributes. Belonging to the Jade family, this gem has been cherished across numerous cultures throughout the ages. Its storied past can be linked back to ancient China, where it held great esteem and was closely connected with concepts of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune. Notably, it was frequently employed in the crafting of intricate carving...

October 15, 2023


Turquoise is a captivating gemstone with a rich history, spiritual and physical healing properties, and great cultural significance. Its history dates back to ancient times, with use by ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Native Americans. In ancient Egypt, it was highly prized for its protective qualities and association with the goddess Hathor. In Persia, it symbolized power and protection and adorned royal Jewelry and thrones. Native American tribes, like the Navajo and Pueblo peoples, consider ...

October 15, 2023


Tourmaline is a captivating gemstone with a history dating back thousands of years, originating in Sri Lanka and cherished by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Romans. Its name, "tourmaline," finds its roots in the Sinhalese term "turmali," signifying "mixed gemstones." This crystal boron silicate mineral offers a spectrum of colors, from black and pink to green, blue, and the unique watermelon variety, blending pink and green shades, and is renowned for its spiritual and physical hea...

October 15, 2023 Posts 1-25 of 109 | Page next

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